Invest with a patrimonial company in Andorra

A patrimonial company in Andorra is the best way to start investing while benefiting from a highly advantageous economic and tax environment.

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    Maximum capital gains and tax at 10%.

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    Invest in the assets of your choice in Andorra and abroad without limit

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    Diversifying your assets and benefiting from the Andorran boom

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    Centralising your assets and reducing your tax burden

Confidential and secure contact

Our law firm (lawyers, tax experts, chartered accountants) will support you throughout your project in Andorra and France.

    Our consultants will contact you free of charge within 48 hours!

    in Andorra an asset management company is right for you if :


    You are an investor


    You are a company director


    You have capital to invest


    You want to prepare for your retirement


    You want to supplement your income


    You want to invest in a fast-growing economy


    You want to pass on to your children


    Vous souhaitez vous diversifier et minimiser vos risques dans vos placements ?

    in Andorra make your assets grow by taking advantage of :


    Extremely low income and corporation tax, capped at 10%.


    Financial investments not linked to the EU or traditional French banks


    Leverage for investment in France and abroad


    Unique investment opportunities in a booming economy


    Separating your own assets from those of your company

    Company taxation in Andorra

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      No tax on dividends

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      No Impôt sur la Fortun Immobilière (IFI) (property wealth tax)

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      Tax on company profits is 10% max.

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      No binding tax rules

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      No VAT

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      Little or no income tax

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      Banking secrecy

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      Tax on company profits is 10% max.

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      Company cars: no VAT,
      no carbon tax or ecological penalty

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      Driving licence without points

    What to do with a
    patrimonial company

    Investment to achieve your objectives

    Property investment

    Performance objective :
    6 to 8% Net
    Risk level :


    Performance objective :
    6 to 14% Net
    Risk level :

    Boating / Aviation / Luxury cars

    Performance objective :
    3 to 5% Net
    Risk level :


    Performance objective :
    12% Net
    Risk level :

    Property investment
    in Andorra

    Buoyed by exceptional growth, Andorran property is attracting many investors looking for high yields and a passive investment boosted by tourism. Andorran real estate is characterised by its modern, high-standard flats, but also by the charm of its old stone bordas. Investing in Andorra means you can be sure of a profitable investment over time and a low-tax capital gain over time.

    Rental investment in magnificent mountain chalets

    A surface area ranging from 200m² to 3000m².

    4 to 12 rooms to live in

    New - Modern - Wood - Concrete - Cut stone....

    Price :

    From 1M€ to 7M€


    From 5% to 8%.

    Investing in buildings with high potential

    Surface areas of over 2000m².

    Rental properties or commercial premises

    You'll find new or old buildings to transform


    From 1M€ to  +10M€


    ± 8%

    Investing in the stock market with Andorra’s tax system

    Is it really profitable?

    Example of the S&P 500

    With €100,000 invested in the S&P 500, you can see the graph in the video on the left. The biggest difference is in terms of tax. In this example, the S&P 500’s annual performance is 10.47% gross. However, with French tax, the rate falls to 7.329% net, whereas in Andorra it will be 9.423% net.

    So with a 20-year investment you’ll end up with :

    411 473.30€ net in France.

    605 581.15 net in Andorra.

    200 000€

    400 000€

    600 000€

    800 000€




    1h15 from the Costa Brava

    Spain: investing in dynamic, paradise-like regions

    Take advantage of countless opportunities

    • The Costa Brava, a mix of heavenly and unusual beaches, unmissable coves and picturesque villages
    • Vineyards, with their growing international renown and idyllic setting, make great investments.
    • Inspiring and iconic landscapes that have seduced the greatest artists over the centuries.

    Private Equity
    Seeking high returns with
    private equity.

    Private equity investment, also known as private equity, consists of placing one’s savings in funds dedicated to the financial support of unlisted companies. This form of investment, favoured by the very wealthy but accessible to everyone, enables portfolio diversification. However, it is important to note that it involves risks and requires a long-term investment horizon.

    The best-known private equity firms

    Innovation capital

    Also known as venture capital, it targets young start-ups with high potential and a high level of risk. Companies are often financed by raising funds.

    Development capital

    Development capital
    This type of private equity focuses on supporting the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises. In principle more mature than start-ups, they are looking to grow (launch a new product or service, expand internationally) and therefore need capital to do so.

    Turnaround capital

    Turnaround capital
    Not very common, this variant of private equity targets companies undergoing internal restructuring at the initiative of their management.

    Transfer capital

    In this segment, funds support companies through a change of ownership. It is also known by the acronym LBO, for Leverage Buy Out.

    Private equity returns

    Private equity has enjoyed historic success with institutional players and high-net-worth investors, mainly because of the attractive returns offered by this asset class. Despite the associated risks and lock-up periods, the private equity market has proved over time its ability to generate a high level of performance.


    Annual performance over 10 years, averaged over the period 2013-2022

    • Private equity = 14.2%
    • CAC 40 = 10.4%
    • CAC ALL-TRADABLE = 10.2%
    • REAL ESTATE = 5.6%
    • hedge funds = 2.7%


    We will use your feedback to respond to your questions and expectations.

    Why open an asset management company?

    A patrimonial company in Andorra is a legal entity that is generally set up for the purpose of managing private assets, including financial assets, real estate, investments and other items of value. These companies are often used for estate planning, asset protection, wealth management and tax management purposes.

    Can I repatriate assets from another country with my wealth management company?

    In most cases, yes. However, this requires careful planning and a thorough understanding of the laws and regulations applicable between the country of origin and Andorra.

    Need more information?

    Our advisers will get back to you
    within 48 hours