Tax benefits
in Andorra

Are you an entrepreneur looking to optimise your tax situation? The Principality of Andorra is an ideal destination for you. Our tax specialists will support you every step of the way and find the best solutions to help you optimise your tax situation.

The double taxation treaty between
France and the majority of European countries

Since 2012, the Principality of Andorra has encouraged foreign investment in its territory. The opening up of the Andorran market is possible thanks to cooperation between Andorra and other Western countries.

Since the implementation of the double taxation treaty between European countries and Andorra, many individuals and/or companies have been able to benefit from the Andorran tax system.

Many individuals and companies have therefore decided to establish their tax residence in Andorra in order to benefit from these tax advantages.

The Principality of Andorra’s tax system offers a number of advantages

Setting up a company in Andorra (whether it’s an asset management company, a commercial company, a holding company or a central purchasing office) is an excellent way of optimising your tax obligations. Taxation in Andorra allows you to significantly increase your net income and assets, without having to be a resident.

  • Z

    No tax on dividends

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    No property wealth tax

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    No inheritance tax

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    Barème d’impôt sur le revenu plafonné à 10 % maximum

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    No VAT

  • Z

    Banking secrecy guaranteed for residents

  • Z

    Payroll costs 6.5%

  • Z

    Employers’ contributions 15.5%

  • Z

    Corporation tax is 10% maximum.

  • Z

    Double taxation treaty

Optimise your income
in Andorra

At our Gestoria la Peguera business centre, we offer you innovative solutions to maximise your profits. Whether you’re starting a business or investing in real estate, we’re here to guide you and offer you our expertise.

Andorra’s tax system offers huge advantages in terms of tax optimisation, for companies and individuals alike. All our staff are experts in tax, legal and administrative law. They will be able to assist you in Andorra as well as in France and advise you on solutions in line with the various legislative frameworks.

Tax optimisation in Andorra can involve all types of tax. It is a strategy that combines different aspects of tax law aimed at reducing the amount of tax payable. Insofar as the State recognises the right to use all legal means available to minimise tax, tax optimisation is perfectly legal.

Fiscalité optimiser sa fiscalité

Why set up a company?

In Andorra

Andorra is a country that offers its residents a highly advantageous fiscal and financial framework, a social climate favourable to business start-ups and a resourceful entrepreneurial environment.

The fiscal leverage will allow you to reduce your taxes drastically and benefit from your money as you see fit:

  • Invest in your business, make investments, diversify or even give yourself a better quality of life.
  • Social security contributions and employers’ contributions are extremely low, and the Principality’s workforce is skilled and multilingual.
  • Since 2012, many French expatriates have settled in Andorra, so it’s very easy to develop your network and your business here.

For all these reasons, Andorra is a favourable and prosperous place to do business.

Why use Gestoria?

Our firm specialises in Franco-Andorran tax optimisation, company formation and expatriation to Andorra.
Concentrate on your business and let us optimise the taxation of your companies.
Gestoria la Peguera provides you with long-term support, answering your questions and guaranteeing tailor-made assistance. Our personalised support gives you peace of mind both during and, above all, after you have taken the necessary steps.
We will support you for more than 24 months with all your tax, legal and administrative formalities, and even with matters relating to your daily life and your expatriation.

Our legal and tax advisers at your service

When you choose our business centre to work with you, you can be sure of a made-to-measure service for all your formalities in Andorra:

  • We work with the best French and Andorran lawyers
  • Our experts have an excellent knowledge of both French and
  • Andorran legislation
  • We offer you full notarial support
  • We guarantee the confidentiality of our dealings
  • We provide you with all the tax and legal advice you need.

Individual and customised tax solutions

Individuals can benefit from tax optimisation. When we meet our customers, we look at all the solutions that could help them optimise their income. We provide you with our expertise and know-how, as well as personalised support. For us, the most important thing is to offer you a clear vision of the Andorran tax treaty by making Andorra your tax residence.

By optimising the tax burden on your company or your assets, you can increase your productivity and boost your turnover or income.

Compliance with the regulatory framework

Our philosophy: personalised support. Compliance with the tax rules of the Principality of Andorra and your country of origin is an absolute necessity. Our experts can help you with all your administrative, legal and accounting formalities in France and Andorra. Gestoria la Peguera helps you to better understand tax treaties by providing an expert point of view.


Find out more about tax benefits and Andorra’s tax system

How can I optimise my tax situation in Andorra?

Anyone can set up a company without being a resident, while holding 100% of the shares, and benefit from the advantages of Andorran taxation. The Principality of Andorra is not on the black list of tax havens, but remains a country where taxation is highly advantageous.

Are you thinking of setting up your business in the Principality? We can offer you tailor-made support to make your project a reality. The administrative formalities required to set up your company take between two and three months.

Our tax experts will provide you with information on the procedures for setting up your business in this country, as well as the administrative and tax regulations to be complied with.

Do I have to be resident in Andorra to set up my business there?

No, you don’t have to live in Andorra to open a company there.

Is Andorra a tax haven?

Andorra was removed from the black list of tax havens in 2011. In March 2010, Andorra signed a tax treaty with the EU aimed at improving the exchange of tax information. This has enabled Andorra to comply with international standards in terms of tax transparency and cooperation in the fight against tax fraud and money laundering.

Who can benefit from Andorran taxation?

Andorra’s tax system offers advantages to both companies and individuals.

  • Companies: Companies in Andorra benefit from the country’s tax system. This includes companies established in Andorra that carry out commercial, industrial, service or other types of economic activities.
  • Foreign investors: Foreign investors wishing to set up a business in Andorra or invest in projects in the country can also take advantage of the country’s competitive tax system, subject to certain specific conditions and regulations.
  • Expatriate workers: Expatriate workers who establish their tax residence in Andorra can benefit from advantageous taxation, particularly with regard to income tax.
  • Andorran tax residents: Tax residents in Andorra can benefit from an advantageous tax regime for their income, dividends and capital gains, depending on their specific situation and the tax regime chosen.

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