Legal information



Gestoria La Peguera, concerned about the rights of individuals, particularly with regard to automated processing, and in a desire for transparency with its customers, has drawn up a confidentiality policy covering all such processing, the purposes for which it is carried out and the means of action available to individuals so that they can exercise their rights as fully as possible. For further information on the protection of personal data, please consult the following website: By continuing to browse this site, you accept without reservation the following provisions and conditions of use. The version of these conditions of use currently online is the only version that can be invoked throughout the period of use of the site and until a new version replaces it.


Legal information

Company name

Gestoria La Peguera Société Limitée Unipersonnelle (SLU)
with registered office at : AV. Doctor Mitjavila, 12 – 14, Edifici Bronze, Andorra-La-Vella, Principat d’Andorra

Telephone number: +376 878 810

N°Registre de Societas: 19699 L

NRT: L-714796-M


Site hosting

This website is the property of Gestoria La Peguera
The domain name is

Gestoria La Peguera is hosted by OVH SAS, whose registered office is located at :

2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France

Telephone number: +33 9 72 10 10 07


Gestoria La Peguera declines all responsibility for any interruptions to the site and its services.


1. Purpose and Designations

The following definitions shall apply

‘User’: the person who uses and accesses the web pages that make up this site.

‘Website’: the website named Gestoria Andorra, the link to which is

‘Content’: refers to all the elements that make up the site, including the logo and the domain name.

These General Conditions of Use constitute a contract between the user of the website when they are accepted by the latter.

2. Intellectual property rights

The structure of the website as well as the texts, graphics, images, photographs, sounds, videos and computer applications that make it up are the property of the company Gestoria La Peguera and are protected as such by the intellectual property laws in force.
Any representation, partial or total use or reproduction of the content without the express written authorisation of Gestoria La Peguera is strictly prohibited, with the exception of those elements expressly designated as free of rights on the site. Unauthorised use constitutes an infringement of copyright (art. L335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code).

Gestoria La Peguera is a registered trademark at the Oficina de Marques I Patents D’Andorra under the registration number: 44325.

3. Personal data

All user information collected via the Internet Site is subject to computer processing for the management of contacts in respect of the User’s private life. It may be used for commercial prospecting and for communication purposes within the framework of Gestoria La Peguera’s activity. We invite you to consult our Privacy Policy for further information.

4. Description of the services

The Website allows Users to access the following services:

Information on Gestoria La Peguera’s consultancy and support services;
Editorial content produced by and for the Gestoria La Peguera website;
Contact information.

5. Access to the Website

Access to the Website provided for in these General Conditions of Use may be made by any User, free of charge and without restriction on any medium allowing access.

6. Acceptance of the GTCU

Acceptance of the GCU by the User is necessary for them to be applied to the parties. This acceptance is characterised by the following: a box to be ticked followed by the words ‘by ticking this box, I declare that I have read the Website’s GTUs and accept them’.

7. Obligations of the parties

The User undertakes to use the Website in accordance with its terms and to refrain from any commercial use of its content. The User undertakes to use the Website for strictly private purposes.

The User undertakes to have read these General Terms and Conditions of Use of the Website.

The Website undertakes to provide Users with the best possible access to and use of the Website and to make every effort to ensure that it operates correctly.

8. Liability of the parties and force majeure

The Website undertakes to make every effort to ensure that the information it collects is secure and remains confidential. The sources of the information on the Website are deemed reliable, and the Website cannot be held responsible for any defect, error or omission concerning them.

The Website cannot be held responsible for the use and interpretation of the information contained in its Content.

The Website cannot be held responsible for any event of force majeure, external, irresistible and unforeseeable to its will.

9. Hypertext links

The Internet Site may use hypertext links in the Content of the Internet Site. These links enable the User, who is aware of them, to leave the site.

10. Cookies

The User is informed of and accepts the Terms of Use of the Website, which may require the automatic installation of cookies on his/her Internet browser.

Cookies are suites of classified information, retrieved by the Website, which may be transmitted to the browser software used. This data will be kept for a certain period of time.

It will be possible for the User to block the use of these cookies by the Website by refusing them or by modifying the parameters of the browser software. We invite you to consult our Privacy Policy for further information.

11. Applicable law and jurisdiction

Unless otherwise specified, the law applicable to this contract is Andorran law. In the event of failure to reach an amicable settlement of a dispute concerning the contract, the parties declare the Andorran courts to be competent to hear any dispute.